Welcome To SCP Computers Ltd

IT Support Services
SCP Computers provide IT support to small and medium sized businesses across Dorset.

Support of your IT systems is vital to business. However, many companies are not adequately covered in the event of a failure. Our approach is to prevent the problems before they occur.

Web Design
At SCP Computers we offer a totally bespoke web design and web development service.

We can design and build a website to your specifications with the functionality you require. From totally bespoke web based applications to basic web sites SCP Computers have the in-house skills and experience to produce your website.

Web Hosting
SCP Computers provide web hosting on our servers which are based at UK data centres.

SCP Computers lease their servers from a major UK based data centre and can provide hosting for websites and email on both Windows and Linux based servers. We will advise you on the best environment for your website depending on your requirements.